New Logo
Over the past 45 years we have had the same “old” logo. We now have a new logo that will makes us more noticeable in the industry. Built on Quality, Teamwork, and Long-Term Relationships remain our core focus when serving our customers. If you have the time please give us your feedback on our new logo in the comment section below. We look forward to serving you for many years to come!
New Addition
Here at Fiber Char Corporation, we are always looking to improve our current capabilities, as well as adding new ones.
Here at Fiber Char Corporation, we are always looking to improve our current capabilities, as well as adding new ones. We are currently in the process of adding a 10,000 square foot addition, which nearly doubles the size of our production facility. This will improve our lead times and efficiency, and give us the space to add new processes. We are expecting this new addition to be fully operational in the Spring of 2018. Please continue to check the News section for more updates and photos. We look forward to serving your company!